Category Archives: Breakfast

Mint Raspberry Quick Jam

Quick! Let’s jam:


Jam, that was quick!

(Get it!? I’ll stop now.)

Just throwing this out there: it is so. worth. remembering to freeze berries in the summer. It is also so. worth. growing your own herbs.  Here’s a cool method..readers, meet Aerogarden:


Or you could just purchase them from your local grocery store 🙂 ..equally delicious.

This jam is bright, refreshing, not too sweet which makes it the perfect complement to the richest treats.  Try it!  For Valentine’s Day!  But really for any day.

Round up!

  • Spread some jam between some chocolate cookies for a perfectly simple and sweet Valentine’s Day treat.  Try these! Of course…you COULD take them to the next level and dip them in chocolate and sprinkles but that’s your call.
  • Stir some into your favorite brownie recipe.  If you like to blur the brownie/fudge line Try these!

Or you know….have some toast.



❤ Ellen

Mint Raspberry Quick Jam

“Recipe” my own

12 oz raspberries (fresh or frozen…this works with all kinds of berries so feel free to experiment)
1/4 cup waterjuice from 1/2 a lemon (optional but I really like the bright citrus flavor)1/4 cup sugar (or more to taste)1 tablespoon chia seeds (you could also use cornstarch to thicken the raspberry mixture)
(optional) chopped fresh mint to taste-(I used a couple of tablespoons (chopped) thrown in at the end)

1. In a medium saucepan, bring the water, berries, lemon juice and sugar to a boil.  Stir the chia seeds into the mixture until well combined and turn the heat down to low.

**Note:  The level of mint flavor depends on when you add the mint to the mixture.  The earlier you add it the more it will be a background flavor.  If you add it at the very end it comes through brighter and more upfront.  Choose your own adventure!  Either add it now or wait until the jam is almost at your desired consistency and just barely cook it down

2. Stirring periodically to keep the jam from sticking to the bottom of the pan, let the mixture simmer until thick and jammy =).  The longer it simmers the thicker it will be, it might take 20 minutes or it could go for an hour.  It just depends on how thick you like your jam!


Filed under Breakfast, Cookies, Dessert, Hodge Podge, Snacks, Uncategorized

Blueberry Banana Broiler Brûlée for Breakfast

[[More oatmeal ideas at the end!]]


I’m cold.


When I’m cold I cocoon. No blanket or sweatshirt of dear Daniel’s is safe from my icy grasp.  I drink gallons (seriously…)  of hot tea of various types, plus the occasional cup of coffee…for variety.


For nourishment I rely almost entirely on bowls of mushy warm things.

Sounds appealing, right?  Are you beginning to understand my long silence?

Enter:  Blueberry Banana Broiler Brûlée.


With this alliterative adventure I haven’t strayed from my warm, mushy winter comfort, I’ve only given it eye appeal.

Plus, it couldn’t be more simple.

Healthful and satisfying steel cut oats,


sweetened with banana,


cinnamon spiced and speckled with blueberries.

(Thank goodness for frozen fruit).


This effortless breakfast brought to you by tall, dark and handsome.


Now, luckily, this works a lot of ways.  You could wake up to freshly cooked oats in your slow cooker, immediately scoop them into a broiler-safe container and just







3 minutes later…


The same process works just as well with leftover oats recovered from the fridge.  I have even made the whole thing including the broiled topping, put that in the fridge and microwaved for 2 minutes the next day.  It was still amazing.


Perfect for my weekly Mommy & Me oatmeal breakfast.

(She loooved it, by the way.  She said it was like a blueberry muffin!)

One day I’ll stop being such a baby about the cold but until then…I’ll broil bananas and call it brûlée.  It brightens my day =)



❤ Ellen

Pssst..Shake up your oatmeal!

It’s easy to get in an oatmeal rut.  I, personally, could eat peanut butter and banana oatmeal every single day, but sometimes it’s fun to get a little creative.  Options (outside the typical, though hard to beat, pumpkin, cinnamon apple, blueberry or PBJ route) include:

  • Coconut banana cream pie:

Cook oats as instructed below, substitute coconut milk for some (or all!) of the water, to taste.  Top with toasted coconut flakes

  • Mocha Morning

Cook oats as instructed below, substitute substitute brewed coffee for some of the water, to taste.  (Try it with the cinnamon…I love coffee with cinnamon).  Top with toasted pecans or chocolate covered coffee beans for an extra kick!

  • Chocoholics Anonymous

Cook oats as instructed below, minus the cinnamon.  Stir in 1-2 tablespoons cocoa powder and top with mini chocolate chips.  Stir in a spoonful of peanut butter for a peanut butter cup experience!

  • Raspberry Pistachio

Simple but I love this combination of flavors.  Cook oats as instructed below.  Stir in  a spoonful of raspberry preserved and/or fresh raspberries.  Top with chopped salted pistachios.  Delicious.

  • Chai Tea and Spice

Cook oats as instructed below, substituting brewed Chai tea for the water (or some of the water).  Leave the cinnamon and add nutmeg, cloves to taste.  Add a dash of milk for a creamy Chai tea latte in a bowl.

  • Go savory!  I’m not really into this but add any combination of savory spices and delicious add ins like cheese, bacon, green onions and more!


  • Polenta (most delicious to me with simple cinnamon and honey but this looks amazing, too)
  • Quinoa
  • Barley
  • Bulgar
  • Buckwheat
  • Wheat berries
  • Rice (think rice pudding!)
  • Cream of wheat
  • Etc…this list goes on and on

For my overnight crock pot oats:

1 cups steel cut oats4 cups water2 ripe bananas, chopped (Just so you know…this doesn’t make it taste like banana.  It just makes it sweet..without sugar!)


1/2-1 teaspoon cinnamon1 cup blueberries (I used frozen)

Throw all ingredients except the berries in the pot (oats through cinnamon), cook on low 7-8 hours.  Stir blueberries in when ready to serve

For banana “Brulee”:

Turn the broiler on to preheat.  Spoon cooked oats into a broiler-safe container.  Slice a banana as thin as you can, (no more than 1/4 inch thick but ideally much thinner).  Arrange the banana slices in a single layer on top of the oats.  Sprinkle with a thin layer of either white granulated or turbinado sugar.  Try to get the layer as even as possible so that it browns evenly.  Shake or brush off an excess.  Place the container as close to the broiler as possible.  Watch closely!  The sugar will start to bubble.  Rotate to get the browning as even as possible.  The only way to get perfect browning is with a torch but we’re not going there.  Take it out when it reaches your desired level of browning.


Filed under Breakfast, Slow Cooker, Uncategorized

Ginger Pumpkin Puddin’ Bread and Happy Mistakes

Whew.  How are you?  Still standing?  Me too…kinda.


I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to post pumpkin recipes in almost-January.  It’s some kind of unwritten blog law.  This is more like gingerbread made with pumpkin, anyway, which is totally allowed…right?   Whatever.  I have a craving for ginger and spice.  Maybe I’ve actually reached chocolate overload.

Does that happen?


This baking adventure happened the day after Christmas.  Because I’m insane.  Let me explain…

((Run on sentence and…go.))

I did nothing but bake bake bake for two weeks straight but the holidays stressed me out to the max and my reaction to all things is to bake and then I got this Joy the Baker cookbook from that man of mine and I couldn’t wait to try it but I was fresh out of butter because I had dumped my entire kitchen into holiday baking but it’s like she was speaking directly to me because this bread is



Oops.  The ‘V’ word.  Generally associated with dry, unappealing baked goods.  Oh, but this is not that.  This is far from that.


A series of mishaps related to an understocked kitchen and my post-Christmas brain led to some very fortunate mistakes.

Like, oh, say…..double the pumpkin.


Oops…  but oops so good.

I was sure it was ruined and would never bake through but…it was ok! It was just…insanely moist.  Thus: puddin’ bread.  (Still sturdy, easily sliced, holds its shape just….insanely moist.)

Then I realized that don’t have maple syrup. I do have molasses (how the heck did that happen?).


I’m ok with it because now we’re making gingerbready pumpkin bread.

Get into it.

Then, I basically doubled all the spices called for (on purpose this time..swear).


I added no nuts, no chocolate, no cranberries…nothing.


I went pure and simple. This is NOT a cookie and NOT loaded with all kinds of chocolate chips double fudge amazing but exhausting nonsense.


It’s warm winter spicy.  It’s perfect with a cup of tea.


You don’t even have to put anything on top.  It’s delicious on it’s own.

I know…I tried.


This will be nice to have around for the first groggy day of the new year.  It still feels holiday special but it’ll ease the transition to inevitable January health food.  You can even make it a day or two ahead and just not worry about breakfast that morning.

That said…if you wanted to slice it nice and thick and make ginger pumpkin bread french toast for New Year’s Day brunch well…


I certainly wouldn’t stop you.

May all your mistakes be happy.


❤ Ellen

Ginger Pumpkin Puddin’ Bread

Recipe based on Joy’s vegan pumpkin bread recipe from her awesome cookbook…which you need

1 3/4 cups + 2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 HEAPING teaspoon fresh grated ginger
1 (15 oz) can pumpkin puree (or homemade)
1/2 cup canola oil (I actually went a little light on the oil…just under 1/2 cup)
2 1/2 tablespoons molasses
2 1/2 tablespoons water
Optional: 1 cup any sort of add it (pecans, chocolate chips, cranberries, etc)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, grease and flour your loaf pan, set aside
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and spices ((adjust those spices to taste!)) until well combined
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk the pumpkin, oil, molasses and water until well combined
  4. Add the wet ingredients all at once to the dry ingredients. Use a spatula to fold them together until just barely combined
  5. Bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes or until set and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean
  6. Let rest in pan for 20 minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack until completely cooled.  Loaf will last on the counter for about 5 days.  They freeze well too!  Recipe easily doubled so you can freeze the spare =)


Filed under Breakfast, Dessert, Uncategorized